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Top 5 FAQs

1. How do I log a dispute to correct information on my credit report?


You can log a dispute online by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Member Login” in the top right corner of the page.
  3. Log in with your username and password (or, if you haven’t registered yet, do so with our quick, click-through process).
  4. Enter the 4-digit OTP we send to your mobile number.
  5. When you see the TransUnion Dashboard, click on the “Free product” tab if you don’t have a paid subscription with us.
  6. View your report and click on the expandable tabs for more information.
  7. If don’t agree with the information on the report, click the “Dispute/Query” button.
  8. Choose your reason for logging a dispute or query. You may need to upload documents to support the dispute (these should be under 5MB).
  9. Click on the line item you’re disputing and you’ll get a message stating your dispute or query has been logged successfully.

You can track the progress of you dispute or query by clicking the “Dispute summary” tab on your dashboard.
You can call 0861 484 482 and select option 2 to log a dispute.

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2. Why is my credit score low?


  • A credit score is a number reflecting how well you manage your credit. A TransUnion Consumer Credit Score, for example, can range from 0 (poor) to 999 (excellent).
  • Generally, the higher your score the better. A higher score indicates a healthy credit report with a good mix of current credit.
  • Your credit score is based on a formula that evaluates:
    • How well or poorly you pay your bills
    • How much debt you have
    • Where your debt is (e.g., banks or retail stores)
  • All the credit information in your credit report is used to calculate your credit score. This includes:
    • Payment history: How you manage your accounts; are you paying the right amounts at the right times?
    • Debt: How much do you currently owe, and how are you using the credit you have?
    • Adverse listing: Do you have defaults or judgments against you?
    • Length of credit history: How long have each of your accounts been open?
    • Account application: How many accounts have you opened in the past 24 months?
    • Enquiry history: How many times have banks or lending companies asked for your credit report in the past 12 months?
  • The information in your credit report is used by most credit and service providers to build their own credit risk score. When you apply for credit, they use this score (plus other information) to assess your application. They may also look at your employment history, income and affordability, and the type of credit you’re applying for.
    The scorecard we provide consumers is an educational scorecard and not a lender-based scorecard, which a lender uses to decide whether to extend credit. It can include elements of your credit report, your employment history, income and affordability, and the type of credit you’re applying for. Different lenders may use different scorecards.
    Lenders do not have sight of the score that appears on a consumer report.
  • A poor or below-average score means you have some work to do to improve your credit risk rating. It could also indicate a problem with some information in your credit report which you need to investigate (and possibly challenge) before applying for that all-important loan.

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3. Does a good TransUnion score ensure I’ll get credit from a lending institution?


It will help, but it’s not a guarantee.

For example, if you’re applying for a loan to buy a home or car, or an increase in your credit limit, your credit score can serve as a guide to lenders. It’s one of many factors they’ll consider when making a decision. Also, different lenders use different factors to assess credit applications.

If you have a good (high) credit score, it means your credit report has information that shows you’re low risk and more likely to meet the repayment terms. You tend to be seen as a reliable borrower who will repay credit on time, which makes you more appealing to lenders. A good credit score means your application is more apt to be accepted, but it’s not a sure thing.

TransUnion is not responsible for the decisions lenders make based on your credit score.

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4. How do I get my credit report?


There are two credit reports available to you:

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5. Why are my personal details wrong on my credit report?


TransUnion gets the information used in your credit report from different institutions. It’s up to you to make sure your contact details are correct. If they aren’t, use te Dispute/Query option to ask us to update them: [see point 1 for this process]

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General FAQs


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What does a payment holiday mean?


A payment holiday is an agreement between you and your lender allowing you to temporarily stop or reduce your monthly repayments on an existing credit agreement. Lenders have different approaches to payment holidays so please speak to your lender about what’s available to you, the implications, as well how you should go about applying.

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What payments qualify for payment holidays


Lenders have different approaches to payment holidays ranging from reduced monthly payments, deferred full payments through to extending the number of installments (the term) on the original credit agreement. Please speak to your lender about their payment holiday approach, which of your payments qualify, the implications for you as well as how you go about applying.

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How long do payment holidays last for?


Lenders have different approaches to payment holidays. Please speak to your lender about their payment holiday approach, including the duration options on offer.

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How do I apply for a payment holiday?


Lenders have different approaches to payment holidays. Please speak to your lender for more information on the application process that you should follow.

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What does a payment holiday mean for my credit score?


A payment holiday is intended to assist consumers in preventing them from defaulting. Should you be granted a payment holiday, your lender will provide the credit bureau with the appropriate information to correctly identify your payment holidays against your specific accounts. This information is taken into consideration when reviewing your credit score. It is important to note that lenders make lending decisions on additional assessments over and above your credit score when granting new credit or extending credit limits.

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How will a payment holiday reflect on my credit report?


As long as a deferred payment date (which will be future date) is supplied by your lender to the credit bureau, your account will reflect as updated until such time the payment becomes due and payable. The deferred payment date will reflect on your credit report for each account that is deferred or where the term is extended. Please obtain your latest credit report from

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What should I do if I can’t honour my payments?


You should immediately contact your lender to make an alternate arrangement with them. Proactively managing your obligations to lenders will allow you improve and sustain your overall financial health.

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What happens if I don’t make the full payment, but pay a portion of it?


In order for the reduced payments to not reflect negatively on your credit report, you need to make sure that you follow the proper application process with your specific lender. The lender will then submit this information to the bureau to update on your profile showing that you are on a payment holiday.

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Can I claim against insurance if I am unable to make my installments?


Most lenders require you to take out credit life insurance when you apply for credit. Check your specific insurance policy to see if your specific policy allows you to claim.

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What happens if I have a dispute during the lockdown period?


The credit bureau dispute teams continue to operate and you can still log your dispute online. Disputes will still be managed within the current 20 business day resolution timeline, however due to not all businesses operating during the lockdown this may allow for updates past this period.

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Can I still access my credit report during the lockdown period?


During this Covid-19 lockdown, all credit bureaus are providing consumers with free access to their credit report. Please access your free annual credit report.

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How can I protect my credit health?


We understand that you may be facing some tough financial choices right now. We encourage you to pay what you can to avoid late payments on your credit report. If you can’t make minimum payments, we recommend you talk with your lenders to find out if they’re offering any assistance. Please access your free annual credit report, so that you can better under your current financial health.

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What is a Credit Report?


Your credit report is a record of your credit activity and credit history. It includes the names of companies that have extended you credit and/or loans, as well as the credit limits and loan amounts. Your payment history is also part of this record and can show how you positively manage your accounts. If you have delinquent accounts, are under debt counseling or administration, or you have been sequestrated, these can also be found in your credit report.

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