Get instant email notifications, enabling your business to take prompt action
When you can’t locate a consumer with the contact information you have, you assume a higher credit risk as each day passes. TransUnion’s Online Trace Alerts allow you to tap into superior and accurate information to reduce your risk.
Instant notifications from this solution allow you to take immediate action on consumer data changes that affect your business. Insight into these changes enables improved collection and disbursement of funds processes, as well as increased effectiveness in fraud detection.
One product, multiple benefits to your business
Online Trace Alerts for collections and disbursement of funds
If a traced consumer applies for credit using different contact information, you’ll receive an email with the new information. This ensures you’ve got the latest, updated contact information for use in your collections or disbursement processes.
Online Trace Alerts for fraud prevention
If a consumer’s ID is lost or stolen, an alert can be loaded. This allows you to be notified if a fraudster tries to use that ID to apply for credit.
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