Replace manual screening to reduce errors and effectively uncover suspicious data in credit applications.
Improve fraud detection rates
Detect and predict application fraud using a refined rule set based on information patterns and key fraud trend analyses.
Safely acquire new customers
Increase profitability while prioritising referrals using a fast, consistent fraud prevention model.
Here’s what you can do with Fraud Prevention Model.
Our Fraud Prevention Model can help you stay ahead of ever-evolving fraud tactics. With a refined rule set, powerful analytics pinpoint irregularities in consumer-supplied data and enable you to confidently identify and transact with authentic customers.
Our fraud model is proactively customised to align with evolving fraud trends — allowing you to adapt quickly, optimise resources and identify more fraud cases.
Automated fraud vetting
Screen and rate applications automatically into risk bands using various proprietary databases, such as handset data, mobile data and data from the shared fraud database.
Improved customer experience
Prioritise referrals and better manage customer relationships by providing a friction-right journey that eliminates manual screening time and errors.
Sophisticated rules engine
Each rule is assigned a specific score aligned to importance, ensuring an accurate final rating based on accumulated scores.
Customisable and consistent
Built with the expertise of professionals, our model is available on multiple channels and offers detailed rationales to support improved decisions.